Advice To Editors

Please do add a page, about an artist, to this WIKI.

If you DO add a page to this WIKI please :-

  • Check back from time to time to check that your page is OK
  • Think about adding an image - it improves your visibility (But not too big, have a look at others on the site to get an idea of size)
  • Note that - although we accept pages on any/all artists - the administrators have the final say on the content of that page: if the article is deemed too long it will be trimmed back. Likewise if the images are too big, they will be reduced. And if the content is abusive the page will be deleted


  • Tell others about this WIKI site - the more visitors we get, the more information we get
  • If you have a website of your own, consider posting a link back to us on your site - the more hits we get, the more you get
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